Art to deal with death.

Sometimes while being completely unaware of it.

6 min readNov 15, 2023

Hi there, today I’d like to go further and develop my thoughts and explain further the death anxiety. Not only that but also show how we cope with it using different methods, sometimes unknowingly.

We’ll focus on a defense mechanism called sublimation, and art.

Before continuing further, it is not obligatory to read but I’d suggest you take a look at my most recent story. Reading both stories will give you a more complete thought chain.

As Epicure suggested, we are doing things to avoid feeling constant anxiety about our time being limited. Such as;

  • Living our lives as if we’re immortal.
  • Consuming like there wouldn’t be any consequences.
  • Focusing on the afterlife and devoting ourselves to religious ways.
  • Obsessively spending our years accumulating wealth sacrificing our time and youth

These are some of the negative examples of how we’re coping with our death anxiety. Like denial. However, there are also positive ways to deal with it. Such as sublimation.




Psychology and psychoanalysis graduate. Interests: psychology, psychoanalysis, philosopy, politics, litterature, history, shitposting, music, games @Berlin